The international community marked World Children’s Day, amidst ongoing war and displacement in different parts of the world, and protracted crises affecting children and their caregivers. Our collective efforts to support children thrive is more than the work of a day and as challenging as ever to achieve.
To help keep our collective attention on children’s lives in humanitarian contexts, the International Rescue Committee and Proteknon Foundation hope that you will save the date and plan to join us on 28 November at 8am EST/2pm CET/4pm EAT/7pm BST for the launch of the Caregiving in Adversity Framework.
The event will feature a presentation on this new conceptual, programming, and advocacy framework that helps to ensure the protection of children in humanitarian contexts by working with those who often impact their lives most – their caregivers – as well as discussion by leading humanitarian voices on child protection and overall well-being on their efforts to support children and caregivers across sectors and contexts.
The framework can be accessed here in English, French, Arabic and Spanish